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I’m (Sean de VE1XOP) located in Blue Mountain, Nova Scotia. Surrounded by forest, mixed fields, mountains and wild animals. Amateur Radio is an amazing hobby to learn, network and even experiment with radio & electronics. 

Recently in 2024, I set-up a 24/7 Packet Radio Station, you may network via the MARCAN Packet system via VE1HR and drop me a message on VE1XOP-1.

Digital Communications vs. Voice is something to learn and explore. Take the time to watch some of the videos I created and loaded to YouTube

I will be updating content and you’re more than welcome to email me. Look forward to hearing from you.

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About Me | Sean de VE1XOP

I’m truly a big fan of digital communications and you can catch me mostly onve1xop 40M, 20M & 15M. I’ve constructed a multi-band dipole that will operate on all 3 bands. Based on the size of property I’m living on, I could easily place a 160M dipole, but need to gather time to make this happen.

Over the years I’ve dabbled with Packet Radio and I’ve returned to the fun and exciting mode. Well, for some, they may find it slow compared to our typical High-Speed Internet. It’s something you need to gauge yourself for overtime. The magic is the effect of your data being able to travel miles around the globe vs. an internet connection that is hard-wired to a live network.

Other recent modes I’ve gotten involved in are SSTV (Slow Scan Television), RTTY (Radioteletype), PSK31 (Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud), and ROS (Weak Signal Radio Chat).

Ham Radio is what you make it. People will tell you all sorts of things from what is good to what is not considered Ham Radio. It’s a hobby, treat with respect and you’ll have years of enjoyment. In fact, for most – a lifetime of enjoyment. Get involved with other Ham Operators in your area, network, learn, share and read. The internet is filled with so much information. Think it and try to build it!

I will be updating this site over time, so please visit or save this site as a favorite.

Thank you!

73′ Sean de VE1XOP

Follow: @ve1xop

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About Me

Welcome to my website!
My name is Sean and as you may already know, my call is VE1XOP.

I'm situated in Blue Moutain, Nova Scotia.

Catch you on Phone or one of the many Digital Modes, 73's :-)

Contact Me

Email me at: qso@ve1xop.ca